Elevator Safety & Emergency Operations for Firefighters (Several Options)
Option 1:
Elevator Safety and Emergency Operations: 8-hour class:
Covering Fire Service Operations at Buildings with Elevators & Emergency Operations for Stalled Elevators. (Awareness & Operations Level Training)
This class consists of a classroom session approximately 4 hours in length and then 3 to 4 hours of Hands-On-Training at Elevators provided by your fire department with a maximum of 25 Students.
We can break the 8-hour class up a few different ways.
Option 2:
Class 1: Fire Service Operations at Buildings with Elevators (Awareness Level)
Classroom Session ONLY
- History of Elevators
- Elevator Types
- Explanation of Phases 1 & 2 for Fire Service Use
Class 2: Fire Service Operations at Buildings with Elevators (Operations Level)
Hands-on-Training portion of class we will need a location to practice Phase 1 & Phase 2 Operation. This will last approximately 2 hours per class.
Class 3: Emergency Operations for Stalled Elevators: (Operations Level)
- 3 Different Types of Elevators
- Common Issues with Elevators
- Handling Elevator Emergencies
Hands-On-Training at Elevators provided by your fire department with a maximum of 25 Students. Class Length is based on the number of different elevators we are able to use that are provided by your fire department.
Fire Alarm System Operations with Pull Station H.O.T. - "Did you hear that?"
Learn the what, why, & how of fire alarm systems, from the simplest residential smoke detector to the more complex and in-depth commercial fire alarm system components. This class will provide knowledge on handling the Activated fire alarm as well as interpreting the sights and sounds of the components that make up fire alarm system.
Ground Ladder Operations: "Getting to New Heights with Carries & Throws with Care & Maintenance"
Hose Advancement: Standard Stretches to Long Layouts
BIG BOX OPs: Large Area Search & Large Area Stretch:
Fires in large buildings such as large area buildings create many hazards. Learn how to search & stretch line all while maintaining orientation and accountability.
Experience 1st hand knowledge of the different type of locks that we encounter in the fire service and how to tactically gain entry with minimizing damage to the doors structural components. There is a brief presentation and the remainder of the course is H.O.T. with props created to give you practical experience in defeating the locks all while providing excellent customer service.
The 5 H.O.T. Props (NEW PROP)
1. Commercial Mortise Lock Prop: Lock Cylinder Pulling & Manipulation
2. Residential & Commercial Door Knob Defeat Prop
3. Defeating the Residential Dead Bolt Prop
4. 2 Residential Door Props – Multiple Lock Defeating Scenario
5. Chain & Lock Cutting
Pump Ops: “Street Smart Pump Ops, More than just Hook - Up & Look - Up”
Annual Refreshers: The BIG "4"
Hazardous Materials & Confined Space Awareness
Blood Borne Pathogens & Global Harmonizations Systems (old Right-to-Know)